Private practice psychologist and psychotherapist

Privé praktijk Psycholoog en psychotherapeutTim Peete



English Summary


Welcome to my website.

My name is Tim Peeters and I am a licensed psychologist and psychotherapist based in Leuven, Herent and Rotselaar, Belgium.

Finding a psychologist or psychotherapist can feel daunting. I hope that this website will offer some useful basic information about psychotherapy, and that this website will help you decide whether I could be the right therapist for you.

I provide treatment for a wide range of psychological problems including:

*      Depression

*      Anxiety

*      Panic Attacks

*      Grief & Bereavement

*      Identity problems

*      Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

*      Trauma

*      (Sexual) abuse

*      Relationship Difficulties

*      Psychiatric problems

*      Occupational Stress



Group therapy

At Extimicy and GC Alpe we also offer highly effective evidence based Group Therapy ( in English, meeting on a weekly basis in Leuven (Louvain).

Some of the areas our groups cover:

*      Anger and stress

*      Depression and anxiety

*      Relationship issues

*      Self esteem

*      Social Anxiety

*      Personal development

*      Dealing with marriage/partnership problems

If you are concerned about an issue that is not listed above I may still be able to help, or may be able to direct you to an alternative service.


Where is the Mental Health Centre Alpe?

The Mental Health Centre is located in Herent, just outside the city centre of Leuven (Louvain). Extimicy is located in Rotselaar, just next to Leuven.

Who can call the psychologist of Mental Health Centre ALPE?

Anyone can call the Centre, including children, adolescents and adults.

What will I be asked when I call?

You will be asked to give some brief contact information in order to set up an appointment with an appropriate therapist. All information is treated in the strictest confidence.

What kind of therapists work in the centre?

The Clinical Team comprises psychologists, psychotherapist, behavioral therapists and counselors . All are professionally qualified and experienced practitioners

How much will a consultation cost me?

Many parameters will be considered in determining the cost. A reasonable fee will be charged. The fee will be discussed with your therapist, and no-one will be turned away for lack of funds.

Are there any special services available to children?

Yes. The Children's Team at the Centre comprises a child psychologist and an educational therapist. They offer particular testing for specific areas of learning difficulty as well as assessments for behavioural or other problems.

How do I make an appointment?

For an informal obligation-free conversation or to arrange an initial consultation, you can send me an email at or contact me by telephone on 0032-494-49 93 98. If you hear the voicemail, please leave a message for me. I 'll try to call you back as soon as possible.


Please phone or email me if you have any questions. All telephone conversations and emails are strictly confidential. My practices are situated in and around Louvain (Leuven) , and the comfortable, contemporary rooms have a calm and tranquil atmosphere.


En Français




Un psychothérapeute vous aide à effectuer un travail relatif aux caractère pénible des émotions ressenties ou expériences vécues, pour avoir un autre regard sur les choses, ou pour mieux comprendre certaines émotions, sentiments et comportements, ou tout simplement pour se sentir mieux.

L’objectif final d’une psychothérapie ou une psychanalyse ne consiste pas uniquement à tenter de réduire les plaintes et la souffrance, mais également de tenter de parvenir à une plus grande liberté et prise de conscience de sentir, penser et agir.



Personnes confrontées avec des difficultés émotionnelles ou psychiques qui souhaitent en faire part à un psychologue ou à un psychothérapeute reconnu. Personnes à la recherche d’une meilleure connaissance de soi et d’une compréhension des processus inconscients qui sont à la base de son propre fonctionnement, pour arriver à un meilleur développement de sa propre vie émotionnelle.


Exemples types de demande de soutien

*      Dépression

*      Angoisses

*      Situations de crises, de perte et de divorce

*      Question d’identité, sentiments d’inutilité de l’existence

*      Problématique lié à une phase dans la vie

*      Problématique lié à la personnalité , timidité, solitude, agressivité

*      Traumatisme

*      Incest

*      Problématique relationnel

*      Problématique lié au travail

*      Problèmes psychiatriques

*      Problèmes psychosomatiques

· Un mal-être généralisé


*      Suivi et soutien psychologique

*      Psychothérapie

*      Psychothérapie psychanalytique

*      Suivi de couple

*      Conseil et transfer si nécessaire

Duree et frequence

La durée et la fréquence dépendent de la nature de la demande, des besoins et des motivations. Durée et fréquence sont toujours convenues d’un commun accord au cours des premières séances.



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